Sunday 2 December 2012

Robertsons Hot Bread Kitchen - Hay (NSW)

We are now well on our way with our road trip to perth.  It's day 3 and we are starting off from Hay, a small agricultural town in the middle of NSW.  Day 1 started off with us driving to Canberra.  After spending a couple of hours in our capital we were well and truly exhausted with all the excitement going on.

I was also left devastated with our visit to Parliament House.  I spoke to information about areas to visit and she advised me of the great hall which contains portraits of all our former prime ministers,  She then dropped the bombshell that Kevin Rudd's portrait had not been completed yet.  I was gutted.  But what did lift my spirits was to see a display of paintings which included portraits of famous Australian doctors and pioneers who have given so much to this country and bang in the middle was a painting of Brynne and Geoffery Edelstein.  The portrait was definitely life size.

We finished the day by staying in Yass.  As we drove in I saw the Timmers Pies and Cakes Bakery.  Instantly I thought we have found our first bakery to try in the morning.  Day 2 began and we swung by Timmers for a morning pie.  I walked in and had to immediately walk out.  I'd been duped by false advertising.  Inside it had been turned into a convenience store with cake display empty and some packaged pies in a warmer.  Shame, Shame, Shame (I just wrote that as saw derryn hinch on sunrise and it inspired me)

Next stop was the dog on the tucker box in Gundagai.  Hazel wasn't impressed as it was a normal size statue, not a big one.  Heidi was just happy to get some fresh air after bopping in the car.  We headed through Wagga Wagga and finished the day in Hay. Before we left Hay in the morning we stopped for a late breakfast at Robertsons Hot Bread Kitchen, a local bakery on the Main Street in Hay (for some people I did look and there was no Hay St in Hay). It was a small quaint bakery and I ordered up a meat pie and got my first square pie, it was not looking good.  I have to say I was pleasantly surprised as the pastry was crispy and it was a tasty filling with a good ratio of beef to gravy.  That said it could have scored higher if it was round so it got a 5/10.  Then Heidi had to finish her milk off through the straw, she is getting good at that.  Before we left the bakery I had to grab a vanilla slice for the next stop and then it was off to Mildura.

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